Telehealth visits only comprise 21% of doctor visits compared to 69% in April. After ramping up for virtual appointments, providers are now readjusting to more in-person care again. The good news in all of this is that the result of the COVID-19 pandemic caused heightened awareness of telehealth, and it required providers to lay a foundation to provide this service. This will benefit patients in the long run.
Google Maps Will Track U.S. Wildfires By The Hour
In an effort to help residents of Colorado and California, Google Maps will now track the U.S. wildfires by the hour. Google search users will not only pull up news results, but the fire tracking maps will also be displayed.
Google’s COVID-19 Shift: Adjusting Search and Maps to Identify Telehealth Sources
Google recently announced it is adding telehealth features to its Search and Maps, making it easier for consumers to find telehealth resources and making it easier for providers to serve up these offerings. We predict this is just the start of a transition in healthcare services, and the beginning of a new normal.
Telehealth and IoT Free Up Hospital Beds, Providing Value in Big Ways
Telehealth and the IoT are being put to good use in Seattle, freeing up hospital beds for more severe COVID-19 cases. This rapid transition to telehealth in a moment of necessity will show hospitals and healthcare providers that telehealth should be an integral part of their operations. Telehealth and IoT powered devices can deliver big benefits in treatment, monitoring, and even aftercare. In fact, I think it’s safe to say that this is the beginning of a new normal for healthcare.
Best Buy Moves Deeper into Senior Healthcare with Acquisition of Critical Signal Technologies
Best Buy moves deeper into healthcare in general and the senior care market in particular with the acquisition of Critical Signal Technologies. Both Great Call and CST complement Best Buy’s existing customer care capabilities Geek Squad (tech support) and In-Home Advisors. These two customer care teams will be able to support senior citizens in the home, as well as provide senior health care. It also protects and pivots a traditional retail brand originally known as a great place to buy a computer or a TV into something much, much more.
Top Five Digital Transformation Trends in Health Care
Technology is changing every industry in significant ways. To help frame how, I’m starting a new series discussing top trends in various markets. First up: Healthcare. No one can dispute technology’s ability to enable us all to live longer, healthier lives. From surgical robots to “smart hospitals,” the digital transformation is revolutionizing patient care in new and exciting ways. That’s …