Ever since computers were first introduced into commerce back in the 1950s, the role of the IT leader has been evolving. It didn’t take long before the digital revolution placed technology at the center of the business world. Now often to be found with a seat at the C-Suite table, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) have been adopting a more central …
Will Digital Healthcare Technology Kill the Independent Physician?
Modern healthcare is at a tipping point. The use of technology in our health sector, backed up by incentives to implement digital solutions, is increasing rapidly—driven not only by a need to improve efficiency and outcomes—but also to reduce costs. Pressure is mounting on physicians and medical facilities to join the digital revolution. Just like in other industries, this new …
IT Pros and Working Toward The Frictionless Enterprise
In an era of increasing reliance on technology in business, the traditional in-house IT model for enterprise companies is coming under pressure as other aspects of the organization look for a more nimble approach. In many instances, it’s not unusual for the IT function to be viewed as something of an obstruction to be worked around rather than an asset …
For CMO or CIO, Being Future Ready Means Going Full Stack
I’m pretty sure no CIO or chief marketing officer (CMO) would argue this fact: As digital technology has evolved, the worlds of IT and marketing have become even more complicated and intertwined. What were once separate functions in organizations, particularly large ones, have increased in complexity. Silos are falling, digital technology is no longer the sole bastion of the IT …
NIH Seeks Your Input: Data Collection Best Practices for Devices and Wearables
Type “wearable health tech” into a search engine and you’ll see seemingly endless lists of smart watches, devices, and apps designed to help manage your health and fitness. That’s a reflection of the skyrocketing ownership of wearables and mobile devices and our enthusiasm to use them to monitor and, hopefully improve, our well being. Now U.S medical researchers are looking …
The Changing Role of the CIO [Study]
The role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) is one that has seen constant change over the years, as the rapid pace of the digital revolution has presented business with new opportunities and challenges. That evolution seems likely to continue according to a recent study, which suggests that IT leaders see themselves playing a much more strategic role in the …
Mobile Marketing Automation: A Must for Businesses and MSPs
With the proliferation of mobile devices and the development of effective and accessible automation technologies, is this the year mobile marketing automation (MMA) becomes table stakes for business success? I think the implications here are much broader than that, as the managed mobility service market itself is exploding. So, not only do businesses need to be paying attention to mobility …
The Future of Cloud: Everything as a Service
Contrary to hype around cloud being the future of the enterprise, cloud computing is here and happening right now. The question businesses must focus on is not when but how to most effectively integrate cloud into their business operations. At the Washington, DC-based Collaborate conference held in early January of this year, Google X co-founder Tom Chi’s keynote address focused …
The Perils of Shadow IT: Your Most Senior Executives Are Doing It
They say any press is good press, and the ruling is still out as to whether or not Hillary Clinton knowingly broke any laws when she used a private, home based email account for official State business as Secretary of State. She admitted on Tuesday that she had made a mistake and should’ve created two email accounts: a government one …
The High Costs of Dirty Data
Every day, businesses collect a mountain of data about their existing and potential customers — vital information that is rightly seen as the lifeblood of sales and profits. While resources have often targeted data quantity, the focus on quality is moving up on the agenda. Executives recognize that inaccurate or “dirty” data can have a negative impact on revenue, as …