Futurum’s principal analyst Daniel Newman covers the news out of Microsoft Build 2022 around The Microsoft Power Platform Updates. The releases and updates to the platform continue to solidify Microsoft’s commitment to the low-code space.
Microsoft Updates Dynamics 365 and Power Platform at Inspire
At this year’s Microsoft partner event, Inspire, the company announced a series of important updates to dynamics 365 and the Power Platform.
Google’s Appsheet Acquisition Moves The Needle, But Just a Bit
Google has acquired small low/code no/code platform AppSheet to expand its platform and appeal to developers looking to build simple apps for cloud tools.
Demand Grows for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform
Demand continues to grow for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform, and with good reason. Simplifying business applications, allowing customers to do more with their data (and more easily use that data), and AI, are key areas of focus. Additionally, Microsoft’s clear advantage is Azure. I expect Microsoft Business Applications + Azure Cloud to continue to serve as the foundation for companies looking to expedite their ambitions of transformation with data and AI.