In this episode of SMACtalk hosts Brian Fanzo and Daniel Newman speak with SAS Industry Leader Marcia Walker about Smart Factories.
#SMACtalk 80: The Failures and Successes of Enterprise Software with Pega CEO Alan Trefler
In this week’s episode of SMACtalk, hosts Brian Fanzo and Daniel Newman had the opportunity to speak with Pega CEO, Alan Trefler. Known for his “Pull no punches” approach to business, Alan makes for the perfect “SMAC” guest because he’s going to take questions head on and leave the audience wanting more. At Pegaworld, we found out that Mr. Trefler isn’t only the CEO at Pega, he is also a chess master …
SMACtalk 76: Robotics and Automation with Don Schuerman, CTO at Pegasystems
In this week’s episode of SMACtalk, hosts Brian Fanzo and Daniel Newman had the opportunity to speak with Pegasystems CTO, Don Schuerman, part of Pega Systems leadership team. During this show we explored Robotics and Automation in the workplace. Perhaps one of the most discussed topics in business today is the role that automation will have on jobs. There is an increasing concern that automation and robots …
SMACtalk 78: The Changing Role of the Enterprise CMO with Tom Libretto #Pegaworld
In this week’s episode of SMACtalk, hosts Brian Fanzo and Daniel Newman had the opportunity to speak with Pegasystems CMO, Tom Libretto. Joining Pega just under a year ago, Tom is a seasoned marketing executive with a strong track record in driving results for the enterprise market. Tom has a strong background in driving fast moving marketing teams within the …
SMACtalk Episode 75: Exploring the Future of Artificial Intelligence with Dr. Rob F. Walker
In this week’s episode of SMACtalk, hosts Brian Fanzo and Daniel Newman had the opportunity to speak with PegaSystems VP, Rob Walker, an experienced executive in the machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) that also happens to hold a PHD in the space. While the show has covered the gambit of technology topics, this was one of the very first SMACtalk episodes that focused on the future …
SMACtalk Podcast: Future of Sales with Lisa Graham and Colleen Francis
If you aren’t growing you’re dying! One of the oldest adages in business, but true by so many accounts. Even though social media and digital has changed the sales process exponentially, selling is still a core part of almost every business. The companies that are best leveraging new media, social selling and of course traditional relationship selling are going to …
SMACTalk Podcast: Exploring Digital Transformation with Theo Priestly and Mark Grilli
Once upon a time, it felt like the only time an employee dealt with HR was when they were hired, when they left the company and perhaps when they had a question about their insurance or another benefit. All in all, the HR department has over the years earned a reputation as a bit of a stranger to the everyday …
SMACtalk Podcast: Adobe Podcast #2 With Matt Charney and Mason Stubblefield
Once upon a time, it felt like the only time an employee dealt with HR was when they were hired, when they left the company and perhaps when they had a question about their insurance or another benefit. All in all, the HR department has over the years earned a reputation as a bit of a stranger to the everyday …
Exploring the Future of Work: SMACtalk Podcast with Adobe’s Jon Perera
What will the future look like? For businesses today this may be one of the most commonly asked and pressing questions. With the pace of change accelerating at breakneck pace, companies no longer have the luxury of depending on what is working today in order to sustain profits. As fast as companies rise today, they can fall. And for most …
2015 Technology Year In Review! #SMACtalk Live Style!
In this episode of SMACtalk, Daniel and Brian dig into the tech and business trends that shaped 2015 the most. From the launch of Meerkat during Mobile World Congress to the shifting forces in brand storytelling, 2015 was a year where companies embraced the power of Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud to drive their businesses forward. Other topics in the …