This article is the third of a 4 part follow up to the earlier published 4 Trends Transforming the Way We Communicate. It would seem uncanny for me to suggest that we are no longer the masters of our own domain, or at very least the person that knows the most about ourselves, however, the time may have arrived for us …
Another Mobile Disruption: This Time Transportation in China!
As everyone knows, the buzz phrase or word making the proverbial rounds among today’s marketers is “cloud.” From cloud computing to cloud storage and on and on – anything with the word “cloud” attached to it gets the immediate attention of marketers. Another similar buzz-worthy word is of course “mobile,” for it too causes any good marketer to sit up …
How Mobile Reshapes The Way We Communicate
This article is the second of a 4 part follow up to the earlier published 4 Trends Transforming the Way We Communicate. The time has finally arrived where our use of mobile devices has surpassed our use of our desktops and laptops. I guess that may have come to a surprise to some people, but if you have had your head …
How Social Media Is Disrupting Communication
This article is the first of a 4 part follow up to the earlier published 4 Trends Transforming the Way We Communicate. The original article can be found here. Everybody on the planet would probably agree that the world’s youth are pervasive users of social media. The generation often referred to as the millennials embrace their social platforms and that is why …
Are People Really Going To Use #AmazonCart?
Have you ever been so compelled by a brand tweet that you just have to have their product now, or at least you have to buy it right now? And I’m not talking about some delectable food image or a late night delivery from Taco Bell, but rather a product like a book or gadget or something that you would …
Internet of Things: Time For A Name Change?
While an exact number may be all but impossible to come by, the estimated 10 billion devicesconnected to the “Internet of Things” (IoT) in 2014 isn’t really all that many. I mean, we live in a world of more than 7 billion people, so if you look at it that way, there isn’t even 1.5 connected devices per person on earth. Now …
4 Technology Trends Disrupting How We Communicate
As much as I love to get out and do public speaking, running a business can make it really hard to find the time to travel, deliver a presentation and keep up with the day to day operations. Especially without worrying about what you may be missing back at the office. However, tomorrow I will be heading off to deliver …
Business Insights: A Simple Approach To Big Data
Oh goodness, there are those words again: big data. As a business owner these words are starting to sound like nothing more than a catch phrase, or worse yet a catch all for the world-gone digital. Begging the question, will ignoring the proliferation of big data make it go away? Unfortunately, no. Ignoring this shift will only cause your company …
Cloud Marketplace: An SMB Game Changer #IBMImpact
For the last 3 years I have been beating the drum of the new buyer’s journey. It isn’t speculation or even an educated guess, rather a trend rooted in hard data. In short, consumers are looking for ways to buy more of what they need with less interaction from sales. In one Forrester study they found that the average consumer …
How Digital Signage Drives Marketing ROI
For most retailers the idea of digital signage leads to two things: 1) Lots of interest because consumers expect technology as part of their shopping experience. 2) Discomfort due to the struggle to measure the return on investment. For companies selling digital signage, it is about moving a product and service to help our clients meet a need, however with so much growth …