Given how much more utility a new laptop (on which Zoom will work just fine) will provide that worker, the question becomes obvious: why would any IT department spend $599 apiece for these standalone devices when similarly-priced laptops will run Zoom just as well?
Remote Work Tools Are Hot, But Keep Data Privacy in Mind
In the wake of COVID-19, we are getting an influx of companies that are promising free or expanded services to help employees take on remote work, which at least temporarily will be the new normal.
Cisco Expands Free Webex Offering as COVID-19 Scare Continues
As COVID-19 dominates headlines leaving events cancelled and people worried about going to work, Webex is offering Free Webex to aid communication.
Cisco Collaboration Analyst Summit Reveals a Critical and Necessary Shift
Cisco revealed its plans for its collaboration business in 2020 moving towards a platform business differentiated on data, security and experience.
Microsoft’s Vision for the Multi-Cloud Future
While its new offerings are compelling, it may be equally as relevant that Microsoft is clearly creating a culture that embraces partnership and open development, and one that even extends to competitors.
Cisco Webex Announces Interop Partnership With Microsoft Teams
Cisco’s Webex Teams business unit announces a new interoperability partnership with Microsoft Teams during Microsoft Ignite 2019.
Voicea Acquisition Makes Cisco Webex Even More Formidable
Cisco acquires Voicea to drive forward their Webex porftolio. How will this acquisition enhance Webex and why is Cisco gaining momentum in collaboration.
Zoom Zero Day Vulnerability: A Real Problem For Zoom And Its Users
Early this week, news broke from security researcher, Jonathan Leitschuh he had discovered a vulnerability in Zoom that allowed unauthorized access to as many as 4 million webcams of Zoom users on Mac OS by simply getting a user to click on a link. These links are the standard (and delightfully simple) links that allow any user to easily join …