Just how important is personalization? In this year’s annual Twilio Segment report, first released in 2017, the opinions of nearly 3,000 consumers and business decision makers, showed that personalization has become a “basic expectation” among consumers. A dive into the state of personalization.
4 AI Trends Set To Accelerate In 2021
The coming year is going to see the continued impact of artificial intelligence. Here are four applications that we will see strong continued investment and adoption in 2021.
Using VR and Digital Signage Together to Propel Your Business
It is a well-heard rumor that virtual reality is going to take over anything and everything in its path. However, it is safe to say that although VR will bring about many changes, some things are better together. Is VR a threat to digital signage? No. In fact, VR and digital signage should be working together to create immersive and …
Why Your Big Data Needs to Be Agile
When we talk about the digital transformation, we often refer to the importance of agile businesses. Enterprises willing to adapt to new technology are better poised to come out on top –but companies aren’t the only things benefiting from agility that allows them to pivot in real time. Big data, as we know it, is just getting started. The mainstream …
Live at #MWC15 Personalization the Biggest Mobile Trend Nobody is Talking About! #SMACtalk Ep 19
In this episode of SMACtalk Live, Daniel and Brian bring you a personalized story about, well, personalization, straight from Mobile World Congress live 2015 in Barcelona, Spain. Mobility is a very hot topic. Just walk the floor of any event, go to the store, look at the driver next to you, or consider how you interact with technology throughout the …