Futurum Research Senior Analyst, Steven Dickens provides his take on Q2 earnings from industry veteran Teradata. In a congested market with formidable competitors, Teradata is making a pivot from on-premises deployments to a hybrid cloud model. Can they make the pivot quickly enough to remain a market leader?
How SaaS Supports An Increasingly Distributed Remote Workforce
Some of the most profound challenges faced by individuals in the workplace can be met and overcome by SaaS solutions. Here’s how.
Google’s Appsheet Acquisition Moves The Needle, But Just a Bit
Google has acquired small low/code no/code platform AppSheet to expand its platform and appeal to developers looking to build simple apps for cloud tools.
Platforms and Infrastructure: A CIO’s Best Friend
No single company is the best at everything, and that’s why most CIOs choose to source their tools from different technology providers. It just makes sense—you want to get the most bang for your budgeted buck, even if that means hiring different service providers. And even though many companies may offer an array of business tools, your business is unique …
The Public Cloud’s Growth is a Perfect Storm for MSPs
Cloud computing is everywhere, and the public cloud is leading the charge. Businesses can use the public cloud for applications or storage in a shared, accessible network on either a free or pay-per-usage basis. That’s the long way of saying something simple—that the public cloud is the happy home of applications like Google Drive, Dropbox and Salesforce. Many more examples …