What is RF Front End (RFFE), and what part does this critical mobile technology play in delivering advanced RF-Modem systems? These are just the first two answers that Futurum senior analyst Olivier Blanchard answers in this three-part series about how RFFE is already solving the growing engineering complexities of 5G, perhaps chief among them how to elegantly solve mmWave challenges, deliver high performance solutions like Qualcomm’s X65 modem-RF system, and provide high speed, low latency connectivity to mobile devices, vehicles, and IOT devices.
5G Milestone: Verizon, Ericsson and Qualcomm Join Forces to Demonstrate Peak Speeds of 5 Gbps Data Speeds for First Time
Verizon, Ericsson and Qualcomm Technologies join forces to demonstrate 5G peak speeds of 5.06 Gbps for the first time.
ICYMI: 3GPP’s 5G NR Release 16’s 9 Most Critical Improvements to 5G
What we see with Release 16, in addition to improvements to previous fundamental standards, is a shift towards the next market for 5G technologies: industrial networks and applications. That is why, MIMO and IAB improvements aside, private networks, unlicensed spectrum, multi-TRP architecture, high-precision device positioning, efficient new power-saving protocols, and even multicasting between vehicles, constitute the lion’s share of projects in this release.