I’ll confess to something I’m sure many of you will relate to: I frequently communicate with my colleagues over Google+ Hangouts. However, I do prefer an enterprise-grade video tool when for important business conversations with a clients. Proprietary conversations, like those with, say, clients or your CFO need to have a high level of security built into them. And that’s when the difference between the Hangout versus an enterprise grade system. Hangouts are easy to use but less secure; it’s the other way round for enterprise grade tools. Why can’t we have the best of both the worlds?
Easy, Secure Video Conferencing is Still an Enterprise Dream
The problem with enterprise video is that modern consumers—spoiled by the ease of using consumer apps like Skype, Google+, and FaceTime—have come to expect intuitive, easy to use tools. Accustomed to one-click messaging and instant audio/video chat on consumer video, they expect the same ease-of-use from enterprise video collaboration systems when at work.
Many video providers claim to offer easy enterprise-grade solutions, but truth be told, simple business video conferencing is still as mythological as the unicorn. We’ve been waiting patiently for video collaboration as easy to use as our phones are, but our experiences in the real world of videoconferencing tells us that level of simplicity just isn’t there yet.
Sure, we have many enterprise video solutions with ad-hoc video capabilities, but most of them still require users to dial-in, or use special security settings in order to join the conversation. Ideally, easy, secure video conferencing would come without these additional steps. It should allow us to connect with a single click, like we do when we call, text, or send an email.
Video Needs to Become an App
The key value offered by enterprise level video collaboration tools is the security and privacy of data that free apps lack, yet oftentimes business video tools require a steep learning curve, and tend to not be super friendly when it comes to mobile or universal communication. Perhaps this is why enterprise level adoption of videoconferencing has been steady, but slow—definitely nowhere near as rapid as we would think given its longevity in the marketplace. Here’s the thing, when a complicated hardware system forces users to gather in a one room, every single time they want to collaborate or hold a meeting, you can rest assured that many people won’t use it.
The answer may lie in using video conferencing as a software application. In a case like this, it needs to be tied intimately with user experience to ensure everyone in the organization willingly uses it. Those vested with the responsibility of choosing the software must do so after considering several critical factors, including user interface (is it simple enough?), interoperability (can it work with your existing systems?), and the level of training needed (is it easy to pick-up, no matter one’s level of tech knowledge?).
Easy Video: Hope or Reality?
Now, our obsession with consumer products and expecting the same level of service from enterprise products, or the dream of videoconferencing that’s as “easy as a phone call” may be a tad unfair at this point. In a recent TechTarget article, Mike Westlund, senior director of IT for social collaboration vendor Jive makes a valid point, “The problem lies with the way people think of real-time communications—they are comparing video to audio’s 100-year-old infrastructure…the video environment still is a variable at this point”
But then, customer demand is what businesses strive to meet. Innovation is built around customer demand, and this is the same factor that pushes brands out of their comfort zone, challenging them to do more.
For enterprise video to become more widely accepted, it must cater to the endusers’ demands of intuitive, simple, secure, and easy-to-use video experience. Therefore, moving forward, enterprise video needs to start thinking like an application, where the focus is always on user experience. After all, customer experience is the foundation for future sales, isn’t it?
Additional Resources on this Topic:
Goodbye Google Hangouts, Hello Blab.IM
Better Collaboration Tools Essential for Virtual Team Productivity
Five Benefits of Better Video Collaboration
This post was originally seen on Ricoh Blog.
photo credit: A conference call in the corridor via photopin (license)
Daniel Newman is the Principal Analyst of Futurum Research and the CEO of Broadsuite Media Group. Living his life at the intersection of people and technology, Daniel works with the world’s largest technology brands exploring Digital Transformation and how it is influencing the enterprise. From Big Data to IoT to Cloud Computing, Newman makes the connections between business, people and tech that are required for companies to benefit most from their technology projects, which leads to his ideas regularly being cited in CIO.Com, CIO Review and hundreds of other sites across the world. A 5x Best Selling Author including his most recent “Building Dragons: Digital Transformation in the Experience Economy,” Daniel is also a Forbes, Entrepreneur and Huffington Post Contributor. MBA and Graduate Adjunct Professor, Daniel Newman is a Chicago Native and his speaking takes him around the world each year as he shares his vision of the role technology will play in our future.