Fast-paced technological advances have inadvertently opened the door to increased risks from shadow IT. Cloud-based solutions have given non-IT professionals the opportunity to create and implement applications that expedite workflow. Without being able to control or secure these on-the-fly solutions, chief information officers (CIOs) may see the movement as a security threat. However, efforts to squash the rise of shadow …
From Platform-Centric to People-Centric IT
Just as the focus shifted from hardware to software in the modern business world, we’re now seeing a similar transformation with IT models. Platform-centric IT models and design (where companies base the majority of their IT around a single solution ecosystem) are making way for people-centric models. The future of technology does not lie with complex applications overly laden with …
The Reallocation Benefits of Managed Services
Business leaders know they must strategically manage all assets to realize their goals and keep their company at the top of its field. However, many focus more on daily routines than optimizing efficiencies over the long term. Reallocating IT resources using managed services allows businesses to make the most of in-house talent and achieve strong business outcomes, optimizing business operations …
The State of IT 2016: Revenue is Up but IT Budgets Stall [Report]
“Management is laser-focused on keeping costs low, but doesn’t quite get IT’s importance to the company… until something breaks.” This quote from an unnamed source in the latest State of IT survey from SpiceWorks sums up perfectly the picture in their report of static IT budgets at a time of increased business revenue. Despite an increasing reliance on technology coupled …
Understanding the Power of Policies for BYOD
Shadow IT is a credible security threat. For a time, the bring your own device (BYOD) trend was seen as a major contributor to that threat. BYOD does not have to compete with security demands, however. If you embrace it with education and engagement, BYOD can be a tool to launch your company forward. Consider the Need for a Well-Strategized …
How HR Can Recruit for IT Departments of the Future
I’ve written a lot about Millennials and the massive impact they are having on the future of work. The largest generation in today’s workforce, they are the generation perfectly matched to ride the wave of digital technology and mobility that came of age more or less at the same time they did, and they’ve helped turn traditional business practices on …
Five Surprising Traits Top CIOs Need
Being a successful chief information officer (CIO) requires certain attributes, but you may be surprised that some of the most important ones have little to do with technology. Customer-centric business models are leading today’s industry, essentially requiring that tech expertise is equally matched with people skills. Just recently, I explained how CIOs are the glue holding together business technology, especially …
Greatest Value CIOs and IT Teams Can Deliver: User Experience
Your interactions with technology outside of your work environment are completely voluntary. What applications you download, how often and on what device(s) you interface, where you direct your IT energies and loyalties—all the variables surrounding how you consume technology are rooted in your user experience (UX). Would you continue to go back to a platform or application that is inconvenient, …
Role of the Digital CIO: Lead, Challenge, Disrupt, Transform [Report]
It wasn’t that long ago that the role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) was largely technical, dealing mainly with the delivery and maintenance of IT equipment. With the advent of the digital age, the CIO is beginning to take on a very different, and exponentially more strategic role. This role places them squarely at the center of the boardroom …
Understanding the Value of Your Hardware to Software Ratio for IT
Most modern companies evolving within today’s digital landscape are finding a link between the strategic use of hardware and effective software deployments. As a single piece of hardware becomes more powerful and manageable, companies and CIOs can streamline and secure their digital transformation by maximizing their hardware and leveraging their software to power business. Tomorrow’s CIO will focus on leading …