In this episode of SMACtalk Live, Daniel and Brian bring you a personalized story about, well, personalization, straight from Mobile World Congress live 2015 in Barcelona, Spain. Mobility is a very hot topic. Just walk the floor of any event, go to the store, look at the driver next to you, or consider how you interact with technology throughout the …
Pop Culture Creates Cloud Myths and We Bust Them! #SMACtalk Ep 11 #Podcast
On this episode of SMACtalk Live we talk Cloud Computing, focusing on how the concept of cloud computing has really changed over the last 4 years for good and bad thanks to pop culture. So many of use apps and tools throughout our day that leverage the cloud but probably don’t even realize it. At the same time the misconceptions …
Will Technology Soon Become Invisible? SMACtalk Episode 7 [Podcast]
In the newest episode of SMACtalk hosts Daniel Newman and Brian Fanzo tackle the topic of where technology is heading and why social, mobile, big data, analytics, cloud and internet of things are leading to a world where there isn’t more technology, but less…kind of. As technology becomes more and more a part of everyday life, there is an evolution …
#CES2015: It’s All About the Big Data [#Podcast]
Sure Big Data isn’t a new topic. In fact the idea that we are making such a big deal about it is kind of funny because as enterprises we have been collecting, storing and inappropriately been using data for decades. Yes, we have more of it now, and more data means more challenges. However, our big data problem may not …