Exploring The Future of Real Time Collaboration

In Collaboration by Daniel Newman2 Comments

With the proliferation of cloud, mobile, and social, we are more capable than ever to connect and communicate in real time. However, with so much stimuli coming from so many different applications, connecting in real time isn’t always easy. As the demands for virtual collaboration increase in future, we need to continue to invest in ideas that allow companies and …

Creating More Productive Companies Through Workplace Gamification

In Business and Leadership by Daniel Newman3 Comments

Futurist Faith Popcorn claimed that 70% of large enterprises are using some type of workplace gamification to incentivize their employees. Gartner has estimated similar numbers. With gamification of the workplace, or “enterprise gamification,” today’s companies seem to have found a way to make everyday business tasks more fun and engaging. Does gamification really work within an enterprise framework? It sure does. At least, …

Can Productivity Tools Lead To Business Innovation?

In Technology by Daniel Newman3 Comments

I have spoken a number of times about small innovation being a big key to success in a fast moving society. While that’s true, we can’t ignore the fact that innovation, small or big, is not easy to achieve. Especially with distractions galore, it’s easy for productivity to jump the track. And today, businesses are more distracted than ever before …