In the conclusion of this three-part series, Futurum Senior Analyst Olivier Blanchard dives deeper into more of Qualcomm’s latest research milestones and how they help expand 5G mmWave deployments, applications, and impact on wide area 5G foundations. Blanchard’s analysis outlines how these over-the-air (OTA) test networks, prototypes, and system simulations help advance 5G research and product development across a breadth of industries. These breakthrough snapshots are especially timely in the wake of the expansive technology roadmap outlined by Qualcomm during its Investor Day presentations just a few days ago and help shed more light on where Qualcomm is with regard to critical R&D milestones.
Qualcomm and BMW Collaborate on Automated Driving Technology
Qualcomm has announced a collaboration with BMW to bring its Snapdragon Ride Platform to BMW’s next generation of ADAS and automated driving platforms. Futurum’s principal analyst Daniel Newman explores what this news means for Qualcomm’s ambitions in the automotive space.
Part Three of Series: More on RFFE and the Role it Plays in Qualcomm’s 5G Roadmap
In Part Three of his series on RFFE (RF Front End), Senior Analyst Olivier Blanchard dives into how chipmaker giant Qualcomm is leveraging its global leadership in wireless innovation and recent investments in RF to significantly grow its modem-to-antenna solutions footprint not only in mobile handsets, but also expand that slice of its business into high growth adjacent segments like Automotive, the IoT, and the IIoT. Tying the series to Qualcomm’s 2021 Investor Day provides critical insights into RFFE’s growing importance to Qualcomm’s technology portfolio and business momentum.