Futurum’s Ron Westfall assesses why Casa Systems supplying 5G Core Network Functions to support Verizon’s public MEC service offering coupled with Verizon’s $40 million equity investment in Casa Common Stock bolster Casa Systems overall 5G ecosystem credibility and demonstrates how 5G openness and architecture can give operators more supplier flexibility in building out their 5G networks.
CES 2021 News: Verizon Partners with Microsoft and AWS to Roll Out Mobile Edge Compute in its 5G Network Fueling Smart City Development
In exciting news from CES 2021, Verizon chairman and CEO Hans Vestberg, announced the company is placing massive amounts of computing power right at the edge of its 5G network and partnering with Microsoft and AWS on the deployment of its Mobile Edge Compute (MEC) concept. This effort is part of a collective effort to fuel smart city development and other innovation.