Remember how pay day used to be? Someone would walk around the office handing out checks, and we’d spend our lunch hour standing in line at the bank to make sure they got deposited. Fast forward a decade or two, and we’re not only celebrating the wonders of direct deposit. We are marveling at the ability to deposit checks right …
SMACTalk Podcast: Exploring Digital Transformation with Theo Priestly and Mark Grilli
Once upon a time, it felt like the only time an employee dealt with HR was when they were hired, when they left the company and perhaps when they had a question about their insurance or another benefit. All in all, the HR department has over the years earned a reputation as a bit of a stranger to the everyday …
Exploring the Future of Work: SMACtalk Podcast with Adobe’s Jon Perera
What will the future look like? For businesses today this may be one of the most commonly asked and pressing questions. With the pace of change accelerating at breakneck pace, companies no longer have the luxury of depending on what is working today in order to sustain profits. As fast as companies rise today, they can fall. And for most …