Futurum principal analyst Shelly Kramer talks about the new cybersecurity threats stolen session cookies introduce to the malware-as-product marketplace and why relying on MFA is not the panacea some might think.
North Korea’s State-Run “Lazarus” Cybercrime Org Victimizes Coinbase Job-Hunters with Advanced Phishing Attack
Futurum principal analyst Shelly Kramer looks at the terrifyingly innovative ways North Korea’s Lazarus gains access and information through phishing attacks aimed at tech job seekers.
AT&T Phone-Unlocking Malware Scheme Costs Company $200 Million and Shines Light on Potential Threats
Futurum’s lead analyst Shelly Kramer dives into the details of AT&T’s recent phone-unlocking malware scheme that cost the telecom giant over $200 million. She also shines a spotlight on the new potential threats that companies of all sizes need to be wary of.