The importance of personalized customer interaction is becoming far more pronounced among today’s B2B marketers: this is called 1:1 marketing. Smart marketers need to shift our gaze from big data and metrics to creating 1:1 relationships that leverage mining of better and more meaningful data. This is where “little data” comes into the picture. While big data in all its …
Big Data, 1:1 Marketing and the Evolution of “Little Data”
Big Data, 1:1 Marketing and the Evolution of “Little Data” In some of my earlier posts, I’ve discussed how businesses can make sense out of the enormous amount of data that is being produced in these days of what I like to call “the big data boom.” And today? There’s no doubt about i, data is a big deal. Poor …
Welcome To The Human Data Center
It’s hard to believe but regardless of whether you are a boomer or a millennial, the average consumer spends almost 24 hours per week online. An entire day! Other than sleeping (for most of us), there may be nothing we do for more time in a given week than search, email, and browse the Internet. However, in a world …
Big Data: Serious Potential For The Mid Market
For sometime I have been talking about the ways that Big Data may just make a big play for small businesses. Ironically, while I have been busy philosophizing about new uses of Big Data, it was only a matter of time before the numbers would need to be brought into play. After all, if we are going to talk about big data …
Big Data: A New Type Of Marketing ROI
In November 2012 as we were heading into another national election, a relatively unknown blogger by the name of Nate Silver made a prediction. Based upon the information available to him, and everyone else, Silver believed that he could with tremendous accuracy predict not only who would win the United States Presidency, but he could guess state by state what the …
How Big Data Is Causing A Big Disruption
This article is the third of a 4 part follow up to the earlier published 4 Trends Transforming the Way We Communicate. It would seem uncanny for me to suggest that we are no longer the masters of our own domain, or at very least the person that knows the most about ourselves, however, the time may have arrived for us …
Business Insights: A Simple Approach To Big Data
Oh goodness, there are those words again: big data. As a business owner these words are starting to sound like nothing more than a catch phrase, or worse yet a catch all for the world-gone digital. Begging the question, will ignoring the proliferation of big data make it go away? Unfortunately, no. Ignoring this shift will only cause your company …
Why Small Brands Need Big Data
For Business Big And Small, Big Data Is A Big Deal Did you know that 90% of the world’s data was generated in the past 2 years? Moreover, every minute on the internet there are more than 2,000,000 Google searches, 685,000 Facebook updates, 200 million sent emails and 48 hours worth of video uploaded to YouTube. Not in a day …
Watson May End Search As We Know It? #IBMPWLC
Just Google It…Everyone Else Does Right now when we want to know more about something, anything, we Google it; this isn’t an exception, this is the rule. In fact, 74% of the entire population turns to Google to start their information finding efforts. This trend has been on the rise for sometime and as we have become more dependent on …
Betting On Big Data: CMO’s Remain Uncertain #IBMPWLC
In her opening keynote from IBM Partner World 2014, Ginni Rometty, IBM CEO said in no uncertain terms, “The future winners and losers in business will be decided on how they use information.” A telling statement as to where the “Big Blue” CEO sees the future of business heading. Of the 3 major priorities of the business, which Rometty identified …